When You Believe
W: Many nights we've prayed 在過去無數的夜裡祈禱
with no proof anyone could hear 以沉默無聲的語調
in our hearts a hopeful song 心中譜出一首希望之歌
we barely understood 卻從不曾唱和
Now we are not afraid 如今不再畏懼
although we know there's much to fear 雖然眼前晦暗不明
we were moving mountains 因為我們早已擁有
long before we knew we could...oh yeah 克服困境的潛力

There can be miracles 生命必會出現奇蹟
when you believe 只要你相信
Though hope is frail 希望雖微渺
it's hard to kill 依然生生不息
Who knows what miracles 誰知道有什麼奇蹟
you can achieve 待你經歷
When you believe, somehow you will 只要相信,夢會成真
You will when you believe 只要你願意相信

M: In this time of fear 在這惶恐的世代
when prayer so often proves in vain 祈禱也不再靈應
hope seemed like the summer birds 希望一如夏天的鳥兒
too swiftly flown away 轉眼無蹤跡
Yet now I'm standing here 但我仍守在這裡
my heart's so full, I can't explain 思潮洶湧 無法言喻
seeking faith and speaking words 尋找信念勇氣 大聲說出
I never thought I'd say... 從不敢傾訴的話語

There can be miracles 生命必會出現奇蹟
when you believe 只要你相信
Though hope is frail 希望雖微渺
it's hard to kill 依然生生不息
Who knows what miracles 誰知道有什麼奇蹟
you can achieve 待你經歷
When you believe, somehow you will 只要相信,夢會成真
You will when you believe 只要你願意相信

They don't always happen when you ask 當你尋求 那難見的奇蹟
And it's easy to give in to your fears 總難以擺脫你心中的疑懼
But when you're blinded by your pain 但若你受苦痛蒙蔽
Can't see your way clear through the rain 看不清雨裡撲朔迷離
A small, but still, resilient voice 一個微弱,但堅定的福音將響起
Says help is very near 告知救贖來臨的消息



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